Thursday, March 26, 2009


I've been talking about being a victim of fate and not having any control over the circumstances that have seemed to take a hold of my life and put me in my place. I haven't quite convinced myself that this is the actual case, nor am I really that terrified of fate or destiny or the fact that my entire life might already be planned, but I think I'm going to put it to the test.

Tomorrow I am going to make a telephone call that will probably decide the rest of my life. At least it will put a path before me that I will hopefully follow for a considerable amount of time and will open up opportunities that would otherwise be closed. I think I've figured out what this whole mess all means and yes, ultimately, the decision still does lie with me.

April 1st is my deadline. Again, another week of unemployed boredom wrought with social and fatalist drama, but at least this time I'm expecting it. Hell, I get to be the damned catalyst.

Oh, spring. You slither through weeds.

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