Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Vain Ents Day Eve

We all know that nearly every single day of the year we can celebrate Vain Ents Day. We wish each other merry tidings and well being for your families, all while remembering Old Man Willow Boner and his countless contributions to human society and his giving spirit. Today, however, is the one day of the year that we give our Vain Ents a break and reflect on the 364 wonderful Vain Ents Days that we've had. It's also an opportunity for us to realize that even though Vain Ents Day misses that one trying day every year, we still get to bask in the warmth of anticipation and expectation that we feel every evening before bed, knowing that Vain Ents Day will be upon us again in just a few short, unconscious hours. Vain Ents Day Eve, though not the genuine holiday, should not go unrecognized as the event we can celebrate 365 days a year, every year. The day we start to take the rights and freedoms (that if not for OMWB, we would never know) for granted, is that day we no longer deserve them. So, I say to all of you, in good health and good bones, Happy Vain Ents Day Eve. Enjoy tomorrow, if not for yourself, then for all the vain ents out there.

I'd also like to recognize a bit of Valentine's Day. Tonight I will be spending it by myself with a pizza and a puppy and probably Kindergarten Cop and that's okay with me. But! I was thinking about some "Most Romantic Things Ever" stuff and I've decided to share some of my conclusions here.

Most Romantic Movie Scene:

I really don't see the point in arguing with me on this one. Every woman ever wants this. Period. And every guy ever wishes he was Han Solo and said that to Princess Leia. George Lucas originally had Harrison Ford saying, "I love you, too" but it never quite felt right. After a few takes he eventually told Harrison to just say whatever he felt was right and this is what came out. Pure fraking romance.

Most Romantic Song:

This is not as infallible as Han Solo and Leia, so I'll have to waiver from obvious fact to my own personal opinion. Lyrics:

If I put my hands to your stomach,
or put my lips to your hand.
Birmingham has gone to motors.
Take me home, keep your eyes on the road.
So don't forget to kiss me if you're really going to leave.
Couldn't you take the second bus home?
Couldn't you just take me with you?
I'm convinced that you're from mars.

And that's all you need.

And I've been looking for this one poem by Li-Young Lee as my idea of the most romantic poem, but I cannot find it online right now and don't remember the name. Maybe you'll get lucky later. I'm sure you're all really broken up about it. Anyway, that's all I have for now. Someday I'll tell you why Einstein indirectly defined hope as insanity. Happy Vain Ents Day Eve.

1 comment:

  1. i hope you keep this up, you're a good read. -s
