Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Bad Pictures

I really appreciate Robert's lending me of his camera, but I am no photographer. Here are some shitty pictures from our trip.

Cafe du Monde beignets and coffee. Melissa and C thought I was taking pictures of them. Chicks.

Side note: Only older Asian women work at this 130 year old French coffee house. Go figure.

Texas is really big. They got clouds and prairie burnings and sun and stuff. The warmth we ran into made us roll down our windows. Now, you've all heard my bullshit about loving winter, especially in Chicago, and I'm very scared that this is going to ruin me for the remaining three months of that. It just felt so damned good that all I could think about is when I can wear a t-shirt outside in the city this summer. I'm ecstatic and pissed at the same time. Oh, C and Melissa wouldn't let me see the Battleship Texas. It's Boomland all over again.

Here's Houston gleaming through the clouds. Now, I thought this city was awesome, but when we got to Austin, Terry (one of our gracious hosts) thought it sucked. He said it in a retired Texas corporate guy way, but that was the jist. We drove around aimlessly for a bit while I pretended I knew how to read that map. I swear, I leave Chicago and I don't know where the fuck I am. Anyway, C saved us and brought us to....

The delicious Chick Fil-A. Hot damn, that's a good nugget.

We then got lost and I'm 'The Fat Chick'. You guys miss me.

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